Bahamas - Great Exumas, Red Shanks & Cruisers Regatta
SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Tue 10 Mar 2020 12:08
We moved Meshugga to Red Shanks, about 2 miles south of George Town, as two big week long cold fronts were coming through. We were very happy in our anchorage with another 10 boats, all tucked up with all round protection.
Gorgeous water color and clarity, and visiting dolphins at our anchorage....
2020 Cruisers Regatta was on, and whilst we could not take part due to Nicholas fingers, we had fun watching a few Games.
Here we are visiting Stocking Island, Chat N Chill Beach
Chat N Chill Boutique and Tourist Shop
Chat N Chill Restuarant getting ready for a Cruisers BBQ Pig Roast later in the day
Hundreds of Cruisers took part in Poker Runs, Coconut Dinghy Races,..
Tossing Coconuts, and Volleyball - just to name a few of the ‘Adult Summer Camp’ 2020 Cruisers Regatta Games
Coconut tossing, and catching.
Picnic Tables under the Casuarina Trees
The Conch Shack at Chat N Chill with his barge of empty Conch Shells
We spent a good 2 weeks here in Red Shanks with Nicholas chilling and taking care of those fingers. Daily we saw improvement, with the 3 lesser cut fingers healing, and just the middle finger still very swollen and infected.
Take Care
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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