Guadeloupe - Deshaies & Pointe-a-Pitre

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Sun 10 Mar 2019 16:23
We left Barbuda on Friday 1 March intending to spend a few days in Antigua, however en-route found out that Mardi Gras was starting on the following day, Saturday 2 March for a 5 day festival in Guadeloupe.
So, we overnighted in Antigua, popped into Jolly Harbour, Antigua just long enough to check out of Customs and Immigration and immediately set sail 40 miles south to Guadeloupe.
Land Ahoy .... Guadeloupe about 10 miles away
Arriving in Deshaies on the North West coast late Saturday afternoon, we went ashore on Sunday morning with the intention of finding transport to the capital, Pointe-a-Pitre, 20 miles away by road, to go to the main Mardi Gras Parade which is held on Sunday night.
Deshaies Bay with about 60 boats at anchor
Beautiful anchorage and cute village
Where to ‘Walk’
Shops selling beach stuff
Loved the Planters
We found -
No hire cars available, all fully booked
No taxis operate on Sunday
The local bus service had the last bus from Pointe-A-Pitre back to Deshaies is 15h45 - ie before the parade even starts.
Oh dear what to do.....
Guadeloupe is shaped like a lopsided butterfly, and Pointe-A-Pitre is on the southern side where the two wings join, and 50 miles away by sea. Too far for us to sail Meshugga to in time for the parade.
So we decided to take Meshugga north to where the two wings join at Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin, about 20 miles away. The two wings are separated by the River Salee, deep and wide, unfortunately with bridges so Meshugga cannot get through, but our dinghy can.
Chart of Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin. We are anchored in the right hand red area, a marine park, and at the entrance to the River Salee
We travelled by dinghy down the River Salee, mangrove bushes on either side - about 4 miles to the main town of Pointe-A-Pitre. We took Navionics on my ipad with us, with the ‘Track’ activated to ensure we could find our way back through the mangrove river to Meshugga in the dark, and relieved to find the channel was well marked with lit buoys.
Lifting bridge which has been ‘under repair’ since 2011.
Beautiful butterfly wall art on the bridge wall
Photos of Carnival to follow.
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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