Cape Town

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Wed 3 Oct 2018 15:14
Our iconic Table Mountain
Nicholas had a few business meetings to attend to with Connor, in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.
To all our Family and Friends that we did not get so see So Sorry, but time was short.
Kalk Bay
Sun dried Snoek
We had a wonderful Mace family get together at Penny and Mike’s home in Hout Bay.
Mandy-Lynn and Nicholas
Penny with grandson Cameron
JP and Mike
JP and Robyn
Great spending time with Alan and Marietta, also in Cape Town staying with Jenny, their Cat on the hard in Augustine, Florida.
Alan and Nicholas
Marietta, me and Jenny
Many thanks to Michele for allowing us to stay in her lovey Sea Point apartment, and as always, a BIG thank you to Jenny for hosting us in her lovely home and her constant love and help in all things.
To all my GirlFriends, thanks for meeting me for dinner at such short notice. I can’t believe I do not have a single photo....
We are en-route back to Meshugga in Scotia where we will start the final locks of the Erie Canal before they close on 10 October.