Bahamas - Ragged Islands, Buena Vista Cay

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Sun 20 Dec 2020 16:46
We made a box, caught him with a wet cloth and took him ashore to Buena Vista, to release him there. Hopefully he’ll be able to make a new home. He could make huge leaps, and had big pads enabling him to stick to any horizontal of vertical surface.
The abandoned house on Buena Vista looked much the same as it had last year. Obviously no Locals had been to do a major cleanup or repairs.
The house has mainly fallen down
The old goat pens empty, although you can hear the goats in the hills, so they are still alive and breeding
The water tank is a 1/4 fill, so there’ll be water for the tree frog, Yay
The gardens largely overgrown
The papaya trees are looking healthy and have expanded
About 10 papaya on the various trunks, but all small and still green
Nicholas, as usual waiting for me, holding the tree frog box, and some plastic netting that we procured from the hut to make a lid for a lobster holding cage
Meshugga and dinghy peacefully waiting for us
Take Care
Wear a Mask
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
E: DMace {CHANGE TO AT} Nous {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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