USA - Florida, Miami, Key Biscayne
SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Sun 5 Jul 2020 08:14
We’ve spent an awesome month in Key Biscayne, mostly in the Bill Baggs State Parks’ No Name Harbour.
Bill Baggs Boaters Grill in No Name Harbour
Clear water, although not clear and blue like in Bahamas, it was good enough to swim in, and whilst during the weekdays the Harbour and Park was generally quite, come weekend the influx of people stretched the Covid regulations which only allowed the Parks 50% capacity allowance, causing gates to be shut for incoming traffic.
It was Nicholas’ 60th in April, and he eventually received his Birthday Pressie......
Assembling the Hobie Wave, Sailing, and working out a onboard storage plan has kept him busy.
We had a new addition to Meshugga toys, please welcome Sexy Swan.... She looks gorgeous in my aft swimming pool
Kieran and Katie decided to brave Air Travel and come visit us, they traveled with masks and Face Screens, and bought little Scribbles with for a 2 week sojourn on Meshugga.
It was awesome to spend time with them, and the Hobie Wave got much use from them too, Kieran sailed a good 20 miles on the Hobie from Key Elliott to Key Largo whilst we sailed Meshugga keeping pace with him, south to Key Largo for a few days.
Katie with Scribbles aboard Meshugga
Our visit to the Bill Baggs Boaters Grill, all decked out with Masks. We were impressed that the restaurant operated only outdoor seating, with staff wearing masks, gloves and face screens. We chose an outdoor table 5 meters away from any other table with a fan blowing onto us - so we were 99% sure we were safe.
Meshugga at anchor in No Name Harbour, Bill Baggs State Park
We had an awesome catch up with friends Gavin And Meg Heale, both at Boaters Grill, and then another day with them joining us for a Braai and water fun aboard Meshugga.
Our last day in No Name Harbour brought northerly winds and Sargassa Weed, totally engulfing Meshugga....
Take Care, and Stay Safe
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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