SVG - Mustique Snorkeling

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Thu 27 Jun 2019 13:42
We snorkeled the reefs inside Britannia Bay. They were interesting with clear water, but not spectacular.

Juvenile Spotfin Hogfish (type of wrasse). Blue/grey coloring turns red/orange in adults. Yellow coloring remains yellow.

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Matthew Fish

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Stripped Parrotfish

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Bluehead Wrasse

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Fire Coral

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Jack - can’t identify which type

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Blue Tang (LHS) and Ocean Surgeon (RHS)

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Great Barracuda

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Take Care

Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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