Operation Trinidad

Stephen Bassett
Thu 1 May 2014 16:36
Trinidad seems a lovely place! But we have not seen any of it yet. And why?
Well, Stephen’s back injury that started as we arrived in Brazil has returned
and we are back in the hands of local medical care. Although we have been here
for three weeks, his back has been getting steadily worse.
Currently Karacool is on the hard in PowerBoats yard getting essential
maintenance done – anti-fouling etc. We are living aboard. But now all the jobs
are on hold – certainly for the next two weeks.
He has a lot of damage to his lower back and in particular to the discs
which is causing him excruciating pain both in his back and down one leg. To cut
a long story short, he cannot continue without an operation. He is now in
hospital waiting for just that and luckily there is a Neurologist here who
specialises in difficult back surgery. The medical insurance through Topsail is
covering the costs. Thank Goodness.
We had wanted to sail back to the UK but not now. This is the end of our
Circumnavigation, here in the Caribbean. We have travelled 29,687 Nmiles from
Gibraltar in October 2011 arriving here in Chaguaramas, Trinidad in April 2014.
So what now?
The next few days will be difficult and after the operation, Stephen has to
recuperate and also have physiotherapy and exercise. So we will be here for at
least 6 weeks possibly longer. What follows, who knows at the moment. If anyone
is close by, do get in touch it would be lovely to see you.