Some more Fiji

Stephen Bassett
Mon 23 Jul 2012 22:04
Well we were ‘bombed’ last night!! To the uninitiated that means we went aground on a coral bomb (rocky outcrop). The depth went from 10 metres to Zero in a blink of an eye and we were stuck. After panic and very clever steering by Stephen we came loose with no obvious harm done. But all sorts of things go through your mind and it was a great relief to know that Oyster Moon were close by – in case.
We are heading for Musket Cove where we are getting lifted out so can double check the keel then. We will arrive there this afternoon.
Here are some photos
mini-More Fiji 019 Relieved skipper
mini-More Fiji 020 And galley chief
mini-More Fiji 040 Rhu and Paul (Oyster Moon) and Annie at the hot springs in Savusavu (bubbling behind us).