Day Ten

Stephen Bassett
Sat 9 Nov 2013 07:22
Last day – at 10am we had over 60 Nms to go. From no wind at the start of
watches (8pm) to over 30 knots by sun up we are beginning to think someone does
not want us to arrive. But inspite of the increase up to 40 knots wind we sat it
out in the cabin and eventually land came into view. Then a wreck not
marked on the chart – so it is new. But inspite of all that and not
understanding the instructions from the port captain we were tied up by 5pm.
Time in South Africa is UTC plus 2 so we are 2 hours ahead of the UK.
Clearing in will be done in the morning when we see Customs then Health and
also Immigration. In the meantime we are not supposed to leave the boat so as we
were close to a restaurant, we hassled a passing waiter and asked him to deliver
a meal to the boat. He did and we enjoyed a good (huge) meal with wine from our
own stores. It is SO nice to be here after 10 days and 7 hours, 1467 Nms, and
horrid weather. |