Leaving the Canaries

Stephen Bassett
Thu 17 Nov 2011 17:28
We left Europe today! Or at least the Euroland. Just passing the south tip
of Gran Canaria for the passage to Sao Vicente in Cape Verde Islands. They
are approx 800 miles to the south just off the coast of Senegal.
We are fully provisioned and we had a few anxious moments as the blue
water line became white!! The water-maker is fixed which is a huge relief,
and we are carrying spares for Oyster Moon.
It is an auspicious day to have set off as it is Stephen's birthday and he
has had many good wishes by various forms of communication. Thank you all.
We will be on watches tonight so after birthday cake (made on board),
Stephen can choose his watch.
Best wishes from all on Karacool till the next post.