
Stephen Bassett
Mon 10 Oct 2011 09:42
32:38.6N 16:54.3W
Had a super few days in Madeira and even tried Poncha. Poncha is a
Portuguese punch and is usually made with lemons and honey and laced with white
rum. Could be addictive.
Also took a Yellow Open Top bus tour around Funchal, the capital of the
island, which was informative to a minimal degree. So not to be recommended –
try the Red Bus instead. But had a lovely lunch in a small fishing harbour where
Winston Churchill spent some time. The bay is called Camara de Lobos.
Boy it was hot yesterday! But inspite of heat and the fact it was Sunday we
managed to persuade a taxi driver to take us to a Repsol garage to replace the
gas bottle. It is not exactly legal to put a gas bottle in a taxi but he was a
rum sort and was looking for a bit of excitement on a lazy afternoon. We go
through a bottle every two weeks as it runs the fridge-freezer as well as the
cooker. Another job done.
At night we met up with a lovely Portuguese lady called Sonia who guided us
to a lovely restaurant in the Old Town. Another hit. Had a super time.
And now we are catching our breath after lifting the anchor, watering and
heading due south to Tenerife.