Going to Madeira

Stephen Bassett
Tue 4 Oct 2011 14:25
35:15.015N 08:36.558W On
We are on our way to Madeira. Had an overnight from
Gibraltar. Lots of things to settle in such as systems, us and getting used to
night watches. Stephen did most of the night, and slept in between times on the
settee in the saloon. Keith watched the sun come up but the day was quite
overcast this morning so it was uninspiring.
Trying to get provisions settled - do you know how
many packets of sugar we will need for the whole trip? No, nor do I and that's
part of the learning curve of provisioning!! But we have plenty Frosties. Have
to keep the skipper happy.
Came down the Moroccan coast this morning. I was on
dune watch but no sign of the Sahara!!
More soon.