Monday passage report

Stephen Bassett
Mon 17 Mar 2014 11:35
040: 55.4W
Sunday was wet, wet but not wet, wet, wet! Overcast and wind variable. AM
good sail then wind dropped completely so motored for a while through doldrums
and to charge the batteries. Sailing again about 0400H but lazy wind. Some cloud
but no sign of rain so far (10.30 UTC).
Excitements yesterday included some Dolphins - watched them frolic by our
bows for 20 mins – luverly. And watching two leviathans passing us. One from
front and one from behind. They passed within two miles of us about 10 minutes
Miles travelled so far – 558 Nms
Miles to go – 942Nms
Wind – 8 - 10 Kts, E/ENE (F3)
Speed – 5.0Kts