Passage to Trinidad

Stephen Bassett
Tue 1 Apr 2014 15:56
Hi Folks,
Tuesday 1 April 2014
We left our muddy anchorage at 06.30H Local (UTC –3) today. The mud was
grey and tenacious, added to which the anchor buoy came up last and was even
muddier than the anchor – well almost. Mud squared!
Karacool crabbed out of the river entrance into the buoyed channel at
07.00H and into a rainy world. The combination of currents, swell and tides made
the sea very confused. However as we headed out and away from the mainland the
wind has settled and the sea is calmer. The Iles du Salut slipped behind us at
about 0900H and we are really on our way to Trinidad (701 Nms to go).
All well on board.