
Stephen Bassett
Sat 7 Jan 2012 14:53
We arrived in Dominica two days ago. It is a
delightful and yet unspoilt place. The locals are friendly and helpful. We were
met by Lawerence (of Arabia) who is one of the main Indian River guides based in
Portsmouth. He greeted us at the point before the bay and then came to check we
were alright after we had anchored.
The Guides are an association of river guides who
also act as boat boys with responsibility for showing visitors a good time. He
also arranged a tour around Dominica for us and so we have had a great view of
life here, from the beach to the mountains and including a visit to the original
nation peoples reserve of which there are about 3000 left.
If someone comes out on a canoe or surfboard - be
wary as they are not a bona fide guide.
We have tried fresh coconut, seen an old sugar mill
(tumbledown), lsaw a copra production plant (for extracting oil - check
wikipedia), looked in the emerald pool up in the mountains, eaten plantains,
mini bananas, roast chestnuts and looked at the Atlantic Ocean (Windy) and
then Caribbean Sea (much calmer) - and all in a few hours.
The day before we went up the Indian River and
looked deep into the Mangroves. The river is navigable for about one mile and we
went mid afternoon. This meant all the wildlife were sensibly asleep and so we
did not see any crocodiles, crabs, parakeets, humming birds but we could have!!
It was exciting noetheless.Tthe root structures are fantastical as they search
out water, filter it and then support the life of the jungle. We did see a
sleeping Iguana, high up on a tree branch. Lawerence reckoned it had had a big
meal and was sleeping it off. You had to look hard to see it as it merged into
the foliage and the wood of the tree.
Pictures to follow in next post as internet time is
Best wishes from Karacool Krew.