Near Maumere

Stephen Bassett
Wed 14 Aug 2013 07:12
We arrived at Sea World Resort, near Maumere on Flores island on Sunday
11th August. Kappa the catamaran we are travelling with were already here.
Almost immediately there were boat boys offering essential services -
Provisions, Water, Fuel, laundry and things we have not thought of yet. So far
all services have been super. The laundry is returned on the same day. The
diesel was delivered back to us before lunch as were the vegetables and fruit
ordered that morning. Wish we could get this everywhere.
The resort is good too and seem happy for us to be here. They also have
about 20 camper vans in their gardens. These belong to a group of mainly Germans
who are trying to drive around the world using ship transports for the difficult
bits like the Pacific ocean! So far they have travelled 10,000 kms and are
heading to Australia next. They sound as daft as us!!
Yesterday we went to Kelimutu which is a national park in the Regency of
Ende on Flores. This is a mountain between three extinct volcanos. The calderas
are now lakes of dramatically different colours. Local legend says that the
colours are significant, and the Lio community believe that the spirits live in
the lakes. The blue lake is for the Old People, the green lake is for the Young
People and the dark lake is for the Bad People! It is a long drive but the roads
are reasonable and the scenery is stunning. We were driven from one side of
Flores to the other and then up into the mountains. The land is very fertile and
we passed rice paddies, clove tree groves, coffee shrubs to mention just a few.
When we got to the Park, the cloud was very low and we did not think that
we would see anything. But by the time we got to the first lake the sky was
beginning to clear and it became an amazing place, and a busy place. As it was
cool, Karine and I bought Ikat sarongs to keep us warm. We felt like we were
wearing burkas but were glad of the extra layer.
Later after we had seen the lakes the taxi driver took us to some hot
springs. We do not know the name of them but in the past it must have been a Spa
as there were a series of pools and all with lovely naturally hot water. The
pools were is great disrepair but the water keeps on flowing.
Indonesia continues to delight us, even Stephen who has been here before.
Photos to follow, I hope. Internet access here is hit and miss so will keep
Going ashore tonight for a meal at the resort before we depart tomorrow
early. It will be quite a party as Oceans Dream and Kailani arrived this