More Malekula Island

Stephen Bassett
Mon 27 Aug 2012 22:31
We have moved to Malekula Island and anchored in Port Sandwich This is
where Captain James Cook arrived and had a friendly reception from the natives.
Not so the following missionaries who the locals came to regard as a decent bit
of dinner. We have been very careful in case there are still occasions when
cannibalism still takes place.
The southern part of the island is very poor but everyone we met is happy
and friendly. Here are some photos
![]() A village house – there is a mixture of traditional and modern styles of
house. These traditional ones are definitely easier on the eye.
![]() The children will play with all sorts of things even this old bicycle
without a back tyre! They are happy with what they can find.
![]() Patrick, The Chief of Lamap and Stephen. We chatted to the Chief for a
while when we walked along the track in search of a shop selling cigarettes! But
not a successful trip as far as smoking was concerned. But saw real life Vanuatu