Sunday Passage

Stephen Bassett
Sun 19 Jan 2014 10:35
No Sunday paper delivery here! But all well despite that. Sailing steadily
at 6.5 knots (ave) and do not have to touch the sails much. However Stephen has
been muttering about putting up the Parasailor but we are so on edge when it is
up that we both changed the subject. If we do put it up, then we are watching to
see that it flies after putting it up, and then sweat buckets trying to take it
down. If the wind is steady it is fine but the slightest wobble and we take it
No news day here. no wildlife at all, above or below water. Have been
talking on the various radio nets this morning so getting a picture of where
everyone else is located at the moment.
Trip mls so far – 802Nms
Ave Speed – 6.3kts
Wind – 10-15 ESE/SE
eta St H – 25th Jan
MTG – 930 Nms (Miles to Go).