Vanuatu Islands
Stephen Bassett
Sun 26 Aug 2012 01:06
We have been joined by our friend Patrick. He is the previous owner of
Karacool and flew in from France by way of New Caledonia, Korea and Paris. We
are touring around the islands with him and re having a super time.
We left Port Vila on the island of Efate a few days ago. Mr B did an early
start! We were underway at 6am and on our way to Epi, where we stayed in Lamen
Bay for two days. We did not plan to go ashore but ended up staying two
Then we carried onto Malekula where we spent 2 days. And now we are on the
move again to Port Stanley which is also on Malekula.
I will post some photos separately. But to keep you watching here is one of
Patrick who has just run out of cigarettes!!