Chicken Soup
Stephen Bassett
Mon 24 Mar 2014 21:19
Mon 24th March.
It is an easy menu on Karacool at the moment. And now my sister is offering
to make us when we get back!
We have had another restful day and Stephen’s pain levels are reducing. He
still needs to rest and be careful but a much better situation to how he felt on
our arrival here two days ago.
The river is quiet with a little activity to keep our interest. Plus of
course the effects of the river flow and the opposing tide effects. Karacool is
constantly twiddling around her anchor. We have 50 metres of chain out in 5
metres of water! Normally the ratio of water depth to chain is 5 times – we have
ten times! No rain today and managed to get some washing done and dried. Simple
pleasures. Another one is watching the Condors riding the thermals – they are so
Here’s hoping for another peaceful day tomorrow.