First Atoll

Stephen Bassett
Fri 4 May 2012 01:54
Ahe was our first atoll. And it was lovely to be in
calm still water once we had negotiated the pass and anchored. At the same time
you could still see the waves crashing outside the reef. We stayed two days and
wandered around the village and got some pearls too. Did some bartering for
And now from a small and quiet atoll, we are
heading towards Rangiroa which is the largest atoll in the Tuamotos. It is
the largest in terms of population, activities and size. And Keith, Stephen's
old school pal is joining us there after a tortuous set of flights from
Heathrow. AS he left he said that it is a 'little unsetlling to not know exactly
where you are going. We did not tell him of the final bit of the puzzle until
today - cos we did not know exactly. Such is the way in sailing. Anyway it will be good to see him tomorrow.
BWs all around - Karacool out.