Day Five

Stephen Bassett
Sat 18 Jan 2014 10:29
We have travelled 642Nmls so far with 1090 Nmls to go to St. Helena.
Our ave spd. is 6.3kts, Wind – 10-15 knots ESE/SE so ETA St Helena – 25th
There was some lightening last night towards the African coast but it did
not develop to anything. We are settling into a sleeping and watch pattern
slowly. I had to walk about and do some stretches on watch last night as every
time I sat my head started to nod and my eyes were closing.
We have a new toy! Stephen bought a small kite in the shape of a windsock
and has installed it at the back of the boat. It is much easier to look at and
gauge the wind direction and speed then the instruments. And it is a bright
cheery colour – fluorescent orange!
No wildlife report today of any kind.
No other vessels report of any kind.
On board report – all fine! |