Friday passage report

Stephen Bassett
Fri 21 Mar 2014 12:18
With this wind, and even although we are battened down,should make it to
Iles du Salut, French Guiana by tomorrow afternoon. This has been a very hard
passage and we are both longing for it to be over. Have waves crashing over us
every now and again but that too is easing.
Looks like our offering to Neptune was not welcome! Perhaps he did not like
the whisky that we offered him along with a watch, and some money.
Friday 21st March (08.30 Local/ 11.30 UTC),
Miles since 11.30 yesterday – 151 Nms (22.5 Hrs)
Miles to go – 200Nms.
Wind – 20 - 30 Kts, N (F5)
Speed – 6.5 Kts
Bearing – 299
ETA – Sat pm.
All ok on
board. |