Hiva Oa

Stephen Bassett
Sun 15 Apr 2012 06:04
Greetings from Hia Oa,
The island is so lush, green, hot, humid and
rainy!! Boy, does it rain!! Got caught in several rainstorms while at anchor and
also ashore. Although we have been here since Wednesday, we have been doing jobs
and only today -Sat - have we managed to tour about. So the upshot is that we
are still tired but SO happy to be across the big, empty part of the Pacific.
And now we have photos to share, will post some tomorrow when I have sorted them
for the blog.
We are well and the boat is re-fuelled, from a big
delivery ship!! Now we still need some food and then we will head off on
Monday to Fatu Hiva.
Oyster Moon (Paul and Rhu) are also here, having
arrived one day after us. and Camelot is due in tomorrow but Marita 3 is heading
for Nuka Hiva as they need fuel.
Look for the photos,
Signing off for today,