Leaving Darwin

Stephen Bassett
Sat 27 Jul 2013 00:02
Todays the day – Indonesian Rally departure day, at 11am from Fannie Bay
anchorage. At 11am all 87 boats will cross the start line, with the Spirit of
Darwin acting as start boat. The start line is a line on the chart!
After 4 weeks in Darwin it is time to move on. We are Stephen, Annie,
Patrick and Ian on board. Last night we went ashore for a last meal at the Ski
Club, with a few friends. First Ali who lives here and has been a great help to
us all on board. And Iseta came over from Queensland to see us off too. We have
said our goodbyes to those we have met along the way and also wish good luck and
good sailing to our new rally friends sharing this journey with us.
We also had a phonecall from Paul & Rhu who are now back in Queensland
with their caravan. We have travelled from Europe with them and now after almost
two years will be heading in separate directions. Good Luck Oyster Moon and safe
travelling to you. Let us meet again soon.
Our next Port is Kupang in West Timor, and will post a passage report each
day of the three day passage. So Keep Well and keep watching the blog.
Karacool Krew.