FARO 37:00.0N 07:50.10W

Stephen Bassett
Sun 10 Jul 2011 20:55
Having planned to go North along the Portuguese
coast, we looked at the timing and the weather and then decided to head East!
Such are the joys of sailing.
Tuesday 5th July 2011 36:49.15N
Sailed to Pino del Coto de Donanam and anchored up
the Guadalquiver River (Another river). Beware mosquitos ...
Wednesday 6th July 2011
Left the river, and stopped for lunch in a lovely
bay at Rota (in Cadiz bay, to the north side). It is worth a visit especially
for the wanna be sailors amongst you.
Later we arrived at Puerto Sherry near Cadiz.
36:34.84N 06:15.28W. We stayed in the Marina for two nights. It is a beautiful
marina if pricey. The marina is still being developed, most of which has been
halted for now. That's economics for you.
In the morning, using the local ferry, we went to
Cadiz having walked for min of 60 minutes to get to the ferry! Then had a lovely
wander around Cadiz as well as a bite to eat to give us strength for the walk
back from the ferry to the port. It felt like a route-march!
Stephen has caught fish and
we have had a free dinner from it!! In fact at least two meals were enjoyed.
It has justified the indulgence of a super new reel
and rod and lots of twiddly bits. see picture below. Let's hope for
Friday 8th July 2011
Left Puerto Sherry and did an overnight to Faro where we are now. It is
a beautiful anchorage and we are anchored in
a bay near the Isla de Culatra. It seems to be an unsung hero as far as our
Pilot is concerned and it is SO worth a visit. If you are passing by then make a
note and call in.
Our next plan is to return to Portimao, and then
back to Inverness for a few weeks, all in preparation for the big trip.
Stephen and Annie