
Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Fri 5 Aug 2016 12:13
Here it is, the second city of Greenland at about 3500 people:

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The who.e of the marina in the foreground is removed from the water for the winter because of the pack ice in the harbour!
Here are the communications officers of Mahimahi and VS making good use of the free wifi from the cafe in the background, and getting rather hot as badly overdressed for the scorching summer weather:

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Here is Mahimahi on the commercial wharf, with VS anchored in the fiord outside. The building in the background is a very nice small hotel, currently being doubled in size to accommodate the increased number of tourists:

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And here is the view northwards across the Igaliku Fiord from the road end - no road here goes more than about 22km out of town. You cannot hitch hike to or from here!

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And that's the Blog up to date, temporarily.

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