At sea "36:21.82N 72:48.05W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Fri 25 Nov 2011 14:24
Well, we left the USA as planned yesterday after 6
months, in a strong wind (not from the 'right' direction, of course) and clear
skies. Sight of land was lost at 1400hrs and coastal shipping an hour or so
later. Since then not a dicky bird, literally. We might be alone on the planet.
Shipboard regime resumed after a lengthy break - 3hrs on, 3hrs off. Of course as
soon as we got going things started breaking. First the (fairly new) cockpit
radio stopped working, and then, horrors, the autopilot again. 'Luckily' this
time it was the drive unit not the computer and we have a back-up system fitted.
But I expect the new drive arms will be expensive. Goodness only knows what is
wrong with the radio - hopefully a loose connection or a fuse. Today
looks as if it's going to be spent troubleshooting.
But at least it is a lovely