Isle au Haut "44:05.07N 68:37.97W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Sat 6 Aug 2011 01:00
We've moved on from Camden to another island, Isle
au Haut (High Island), named by an early French explorer. The locals call it
Isle Oh Ho; "H" is never pronounced in French (I think) but I can't
get my tongue round the name without it. Nor, apparently can the locals.
Unfortunately no native French speaker is available to help. Phonetic
suggestions on an email please.
In any event we have no pictures from the (lovely)
island because we were fogged in. The first fog we've had since we arrived here-
the locals say that the weather has changed over the last few years with much
less fog and less wind. So, no picture of Isle au Haut, but here is a picture of
a beautiful Maine schooner experiencing the less wind, before the for closed
![]() The little boat at the back is the schooner's
tender with inboard diesel engine, being used to push the engineless schooner.
they use these to dock in the very congested Camden Harbor - nerve wracking