Christmas visitors, again.

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Wed 28 Jan 2015 04:56
Another year has flown past and it’s Xmas again. Hurrah; or not.
Here is the VS moored at Prince of Wales Bay Marina in North Hobart on 21.12.14. In the background is Mount Wellington 1270m. Careful observation will reveal a string of bunting in the rigging celebrating the imminent arrival of Ian Macbeth and Julie Stewart (because a. it looks nice and b. Julie made it for us last year):
And here is the lucky couple itself on 04.01.15, back on the dock at the end of their platinum-class holiday cruise. Still talking to each other, and to us:
Careful observers will note a distinctly white tinge to Ian’s nascent beard. It comes to us all, Ian.
In between the two photos above a fine time was reportedly had by all hands. Here is Ian trying out Ali’s Xmas/birthday present in the marina:
Yes dear readers, after nearly three years of dithering Ali has finally made up her mind and bought in inflatable paddle board (at an extremely attractive price). Shame we’re leaving the Pacific – we could have made good use of this two years ago. C’est la vie. Here is the birthday girl herself (she’s a natural of course, just like her son), a few days later:
And here is your hero, caught ignominiously in the act of falling off both backwards and sideways at the same time (note the perfect conditions; it really is as easy as falling off a log):
Christmas Day on board, with the special pavlova. Jamie’s Xmas pudding at its very best!:
A few coastal scenes from south Tasmania:
Firstly Safety Cove, looking into the famous Port Arthur from Mount Brown:
The VS crew on the beach at Carnarvon Bay, Port Arthur, looking SE with Tasman Head in the background:
Lagoon Beach, Frederick Henry Bay with Sloping Island left background. A successful wallaby and wombat watch was carried out in these dunes in the evening:
Happy hikers on the Labillardiere Peninsula, South Bruny Island looking towards Cape Bruny and Antartica (3000km over the horizon):
A frustrated fisherman failing to catch anything, again; Cloudy Bay inlet, South Bruny Island. Locals said it was a great place to catch Australian salmon:
I could go on and on, but you get the gist. And anyway, I have two more Blogs lined up on specific sites.