Leviathan beheld

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Sat 25 Sep 2010 07:30
Day 6, 0830hrs BST. My turn on Mother Watch so
I'm sitting here starting the day with gathering weather reports. Ian is
'upstairs' shooting the moon with our sextant in a beautiful clear morning - the
first of the trip. A glorious day in the offing.
Yesterday we saw whales, albeit at a distance. I
saw the waterspouts first; really enormous geysers of spray visible miles away
and then one breached (jumped out of the water) spectacularly. there must have
been several, perhaps a dozen, but unfortunately they didn't come closer than a
mile or so, so we didn't get a better view and have no idea what species they
were but it was lovely to see. We saw their waterspouts for some time afterwards
against the horizon. Wonderful.
We can't see the Blog from the boat, so we ca only
hope that it's working properly. But if it is you'll see from our latest
position that we are only about 150 miles off the Spanish coast at Cabo
Finisterre. We have almost finished crossing Biscay in double quick time. Wind
still northerly (ie behind us) and today we're going to try our running (ie
downwind rig) in earnest for the first time. Should be fun - lots & lots of
ropes and poles.
Weather superb. Alison says that she's going to get
her summer clothes out and put her winter ones (used every day during the
Scottish summer) away.
Note to Jane. No frost