At sea "01:11.93S 40:39.94W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Fri 26 Feb 2016 05:39
An interesting day yesterday. VS was hit be a squall mid-morning, and the mainsail disintegrated without warning. The rest of the daylight hours were spent getting the remains of the sail down on deck, in horrible weather, and stowed in 2 (!) bags, and putting up the storm trysail (a very small mainsail, bright orange, normally used in severe weather), and generally sorting out. Unfortunately we have no spare mainsail, so our progress will now be somewhat slower than anticipated.
Luckily the wind has at last gone round to the ENE, and we are in that nice current, so we can sail relatively well along the Brazilian coast at reasonable speed for the next few days provided the wind keeps up - so far, for this neck of the woods, we have been very lucky with wind.
Otherwise all is well.
DTG 1756nm.