
Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Tue 8 Dec 2015 21:34
The Zulus and the Xhosa, two big tribes in SA, used to live in round huts usually now called rondavels. Here are some as museum exhibits:

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The design is very impressive - as you can see there is almost no timber involved, just a very clever lattice of sticks covered in thatch:

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The detailing is amazing:

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These are actually very sophisticated dwelling, entirely suited to their environment.
Many modern Zulus have stayed in Zululand on their homelands, each family have a house built of entirely separate freestanding rooms - it looks like a hamlet. But they almost always have a rondavel as well, nowadays often built in modern materials, but also equally often thatched. The reason for this is that the Zulu, who sensibly never converted to Christianity, believe that their ancestors spirits live around that house, and that they need a traditional round house if they are to remain and look after the family. This is crucially important as spirits affect everyday life - any adverse event is put down to angry spirits. A great idea, as therefore nothing is ever the fault of a living person, so no living person can be blamed or will accept blame, for anything that goes wrong. But part of Africa's curse, in the modern world.

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