Madeira update

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Wed 6 Oct 2010 20:46
We' had a couple of days on the fascinating island of Madeira, but tomorrow we're leaving for the Canaries a bit earlier than planned. There is a severe weather system north of us which is pushing a big swell in our direction. We're going to get out ahead of it for safety.We'll still get 3-4m, but it's 8-9m in Biscay. Scary.
Loved Madeira. Everything spick and span and infrastructure that makes you ashamed to be British. For instance there is a very good motorway clinging to the side of the hills on the south coast, with lots of dual bore tunnels - and this on an island with a population of 250k, stuck out in the middle of the Atlantic. We can't even manage a couple of short tunnels on a Euroroute in North Wales.I wonder why?
The list of breakages continues; today the gas regulator seized open, draining one of our gas bottles. Luckily it was nearly empty anyway, and we had a spare regulator so ten minutes work (in pouring rain) had us up and running again.
Next stop Gran Canaria (250nm)