Happy Holidays

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Sun 2 Jan 2011 01:05
The Pictures of the mopeds and me up the coconut
tree are taken on Bequia on Boxing Day.
The picture of Mum and Kate is taken over looking
the anchorage in the Tobago Cays marine park (where we went after
Bequia). There is a protected area there with loads of turtles feeding
on the sea grass which you can swim with it is also the site
where we misplaced mum's camera.
The picture of me lying on the grass is in Mustique
with a local tortoise! They are vicious meat eating things and are best avoided
if you can out run them. The other picture is also in Mustique and is the boat i
have made out of bottles, sticks and a t-shirt; however it sank when i launched
it so it is currently back in the dock yard!