Preparing to depart Australia

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Mon 20 Jul 2015 23:48
Readying the boat for the ocean requires a lot of planning and preparation - not least provisioning for four people for about 12 weeks between shops. On this occasion Jenny had the very clever idea of hiring a nearby apartment in Fremantle for two days in order to use its kitchen & freezer. A brainwave. Here are the galleyslaves in full production: ![]() ![]() Their endeavours have resulted in 24 meals for 4 people which have completely filled our freezer, leaving no room at all for sugar-free icecream despite the purchase of a brand new icecream maker which therefore languishes in a cupboard for the present. Meanwhile the rest of the crew occupy themselves otherwise: Robbie contemplates the end of yet another Magnum (readers will be relieved to know that he’s had a haircut since): ![]() While your correspondent revises his splicing techniques for a 14mm braid on braid eye splice: ![]() And here is Ali, busy in the laundry at Geraldton, yet again: ![]() Where on earth does it all come from?? Anyway, everything seems to have come together and we’re ready for the off. As I write this we are awaiting the arrival of Customs to clear us out. |