
Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Tue 19 Jan 2016 02:30
The augmented VS crew went “diving” with sharks just after Christmas. The sharks concerned are Great Whites Carchadopn carcharias, and South Africa has become famous as one of the few places in the world where these magnificent animals can be observed safely. Your correspondent had attempted to see great whites in South Australia but the group there had been attacked by killer whales the previous week. One shark was killed and the rest dispersed, and did not return, I now discover, for over six months. Shark diving actually involves getting into a cage attached to the boat. The observer is in the water with wetsuit and mask, but no diving is involved. One stands on the bottom of the cage, and sticks one’s head underwater when a shark approaches. Sharks are naturally in the shallow water of Gansbaai area of the Cape for reasons that are not understood, but they are attracted to the dive boats by putting fish offal into the water - a very dubious practice ecologically. There are lots of dive boats and the amount of disgusting rotting fish product being dumped every day is horrible. Sharks are not actually fed, though they sometimes do get the bait. This is our boat: ![]() The cage: ![]() Hannah in the cage: ![]() A very large great white; this one is about 4.5m, and he’s just grabbed the bait: ![]() Unfortunately at this time of year water visibility is very poor - only a metre or so. This is caused by plankton bloom, almost certainly greatly exacerbated by all the nutrients being dumped into the bay. As a result it was almost impossible to see sharks underwater - although the very first shark to approach did actually go straight to the cage, sticking his nose and a few teeth through the bars and nearly causing heart attacks inside the cage. For the most part a much better view was obtained from the deck - and we saw ten different sharks. I was amazed at how ponderous and slow they are in the water compared with a dolphin - but they are incredibly powerful and very beautiful to watch. Not Alison’s first choice of a sixtieth birthday present, but a good time was had by all. |