Update "13:58.0N 61:01.5W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Sat 15 Jan 2011 17:31
Hi. Delayed updates due to poor internet access and
pressure of rushing about. There just aren't enough hours in the day. For the
last two weeks we have had our friends gareth & Bethan on board - they leave
tomorrow to be replaced by Tom's girlfriend Hannah. We are leaving St Lucia for
the last time next week, heading north.
No real news here; weather remains unsettled - more
cloudy windy and rainy than it "should" be. The only event of note is that Tom
has got an infected bite on his leg. Possibly a fly, but possibly a centipede.
Anyway, it went septic (much worsened by his insistence on lancing it with a
rusty needle purchased from a local shop, following which his leg swelled up to
twice its normal size and preventing him walking on it). This necessitated a
visit to A & E on Martinique at huge cost (50 euros each way for the taxi,
94 euros for the treatment, 42 euros for the medecine so far). He will
be on antibiotics for at least two weeks, in industrial quantities. A
really nasty wound.
Other than that, nothing to