Good progress "14:27.86N 43:28.03W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Wed 8 Dec 2010 11:56
We have 'enjoyed' strong easterlies for the last 36
hours. Did 180nm in the 24 hours to 0900 today - a record for us. Winds set to
continue for next four days at least. Great sailing (now under blue skies as
well); the rolling motion makes moving around the boat a challenge. Everything
not properly stowed goes flying, and we're all not sleeping well due to being
thrown around in our bunks. It's quite surprising how much one's body rolls
about in bed, and how difficult it is to sleep in these conditions. But
otherwise everything is fine.
Chicken risotto and rhubarb pie with custard for
dinner last night (outstanding pie, courtesy of Bethan's mother - please pass
our thanks on to her, Bethan). Tonight the dynamic duo of Tom & Joe are
planning spaghetti bolognese, I think. They will also be making a carrot cake
(with carrot; we still have some left, but unfortunately without the special
icing because we forgot to bring the ingredients) for afternoon tea.