Bye bye Maryland "38:19.66N 76:27.41W"

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Wed 9 Nov 2011 11:51
We have been in Maryland for over a month now but
last night was our last in the State. We have had two sets of visitors and have
been preparing the boat to go offshore again (and into the Pacific). Lots of
activity, but the blogging has been rather neglected as you will have noticed -
no entry since 16 October. Shameful.
Anyway, we're now at Solomon's Island at the
entrance to the Patuxent River, en route to Norfolk Virginia where we will
provision and await a suitable weather window - the important thing is
not to catch a strong northerly (ie south-going) wind while crossing the
north-flowing Gulf Stream as this can lead to extremely unpleasant sea
I'll follow this entry with some about our time in