NC arrival

Richard & Alison Brunstrom
Sun 1 Jun 2014 06:08
The crew of Vulcan Spirit is pleased to announce its arrival in New
Caledonia this afternoon at 1500hrs NZ time after almost exactly one week’s
sailing, sails being hoisted at Russell in the Bay of Islands at 1430hrs last
Sunday. Currently anchored in the lee of the huge French lighthouse (fabricated
in Paris in 1862, during the reign of Napoleon III) at Amedee Island just inside
the ocean pass. Noumea 12nm, tomorrow morning after a swim.
Passage was uneventful, mainly with lots of wind; the only significant
event was Ali’s discovery of our long sought ants’ nest yesterday. We have been
searching for this for ages (a swarm of flying ants descended on us last year,
about 200 miles offshore, and set up home on board). All previous efforts to
locate them came to nought and they laughed at our attempts to poison them, but
we think the cold NZ weather persuaded them to migrate to the warm
cupboard where they were found. Interestingly this cupboard had been
emptied to facilitate the fitting of the watermaker electrics just before we
left Opua, and they weren’t there then. Hopefully we’ve now seen the back of
them at last. |