Work in Rodney Bay

Fri 3 Feb 2017 12:20
Éowyn is presently
secured in Rodney Bay Marina in position 14:04.462 N 60:56.975
Sorry, no photos yet as
internet is still very flaky
On Sunday, Customs arrived
about 1000, only an hour late, pretty good for Grenada, so we cleared out and
after a late breakfast at the Tikki Bar, headed north to Dragon Bay. we secured
to the last mooring and with an 0430 start headed to Bequia.
Generally the wind was as
forecast, 15-20 knots just South of East but unfortunately there was a 3 hour
period of squally with odd winds and much rain. Nevertheless, we arrived in
Bequia about 1730 and anchored off Tony Gibbons beach ready for a quick getaway
the next morning. Perfect winds gave us a fast and enjoyable passage to Rodney
Bay where we arrived in time to secure a marina berth. Eowyn performed
impeccably, averaging about 7 knots.
This will be our only
opportunity to secure alongside which makes our work so much easier. Today,
Friday, we will provision with a view to heading to Martinique tomorrow and then
onwards to Isles de Saintes where we will spend a few days.
Tonight there is an OCC meet
up to celebrate Hilda Julian's birthday