More Problems - Different yacht

Sun 20 Mar 2011 19:29
Éowyn is underway from
Recife Brazil to Grenada in
position 06:26.038 N 051:40.995W
Somebody must have forgotten
to feed Neptune when we crossed the Equator.
Our little convoy had made
good progress overnight and all morning. The disabled Basia was surrounded by
the 3 Guardships, Tucannon, Eowyn and Jeannnius. With the aid of a good tide we
were averaging over 6 knots and in buoyant mood, even on Basia.
This afternoon Anna on Basia
noticed a split in the mainsail of Jeannius. The whole of the upper seam has
torn, probably from UV damage. Of course, Jeannius had given 200 litres of their
fuel to Basia!
Jeannius does not have enough
fuel to get to Grenada and being a cat, need their mainsail.
Eowyn's sewing machine and
repair kit were transferred to Jeannius and Jean & Mike will repair the torn
seam tomorrow, whilst motorsailing overnight with genoa and one
Hopefully this will not prove
a serious inconvenience, but Jeannius may have to stop in Tobago for fuel if the
main cannot be repaired satisfactorily