or Not Heading North!

Mon 26 Jan 2015 16:39
Éowyn is not in
Martinique, but in Port Louis, Grenada waiting for an engineer.
We duly set off at 0500 on Friday,
having sailed round to Grand Mal the night before
All was going well until the engine
alarm went off to indicate overheating. I stopped the engine and set the
mainsail which immediately jammed! We used the jib to get offshore in the very
light winds and then launched the dinghy so we could use it to tow Eowyn
alongside. An hour later we returned to the mooring and I discovered that not
only had the impellor shredded but one of the securing bolt shad sheared
Unable to manouevre, I called Port
Louis marina only to be told we could not enter as we would be a danger to
shipping!!! Time to call in a favour. I phoned Mark Sutton of Island Dreams who
pulled the required strings to get us in.
Once on the dock, I called Mike
Bingley of Palm Tree who despite only returning from the UK the day before,
fitted us in and came along on Saturday.
Today, he has rebuilt the pump and
the spare and we are waiting for his engineer to come along any time to fit it
and flush out the old impellor bits from the system.
Fingers crossed, we will be away at
first light tomorrow, first to Bequia then St Lucia arriving in Martinique on
Thursday to replace our domestic
batteries |