Underway Again

Wed 7 May 2014 00:05
Éowyn is in Marigot
Bay, St Lucia
In the event, Chris was an inpatient
at the Tapion Hospital for a week and we have had to remain here since her
release whilst she was treated as an outpatient.
The round trip to the hospital is
more than 3 hours so this has consumed most of the last 2 weeks as Chris made
her slow recovery. Today, Tuesday, she was given the all clear and we rushed
back to Rodney Bay to prepare for a rapid sail to Grenada. Because of lost time
sorting out paperwork etc, we only made it as far as Marigot, but if the winds
are fair we may get as far as Canouan tomorrow. Our medical insurers are Bishop
Skinner through the RYA and they have been great, absorbing all of the $20,000
EC of the treatment cost. Many cruisers manage without medical insurance but she
would then have ended up in the public hospital which is not up to European
standards. The private Tapion Hospital however, gave Chris the very best
attention and treatment.
We have lost 2 weeks of our planned
cruising so inevitably it will be a bit of a rush to get Eowyn ready for