Light Winds

Tue 2 Nov 2010 03:21
Éowyn is on passage to
Richards Bay, South Africa in position
24:38.205S 054:26.832E
This leg reputedly has the
most difficult weather in the whole circumnavigation being dominated by low
pressure systems to the south of our track, sending short lived gales in our
direction. Our problem right now is the opposite. Very light winds have
seen us motoring and we have already used 25% of our available fuel. We will
continue like this until South of Madagascar, but then we must sail even if we
only make 2-3 knots.
All the fleet are affected by
this except perhaps some of the larger yachts such as Wild Tigris who can motor
all the 1350 miles to Richards Bay.
Never happy are
Well, the only bonus is that
we can use the bread and watermakers as much as we want as both need the engine
running to operate.