Northwards from Cairns

Fri 13 Aug 2010 05:46
Éowyn is anchored at
Night Island in position 13:10.618S
So far we have made 2
day/night/day passages to help cover the 520 miles distance from Cairns to
Thursday Island. We have just over 200 miles remaining.
The first overnight stop was a
Lizard Island, a popular and sheltered anchorage. We had to motor through much
of the preceding 30 hours as winds were very light. We had hoped to explore
ashore but a couple of small repair jobs took longer than expected and we lost
the opportunity as the mist descended!
The next morning we set
sail in brisk trade winds and had a lively passage to Night Island.
We are sailing inside the
barrier reef in narrow & busy shipping lanes with commercial traffic and
fishing craft. Add the lively conditions and this makes for a lot of
concentration. We are finding this much more tiring than ocean passages and need
our sleep at this anchorage!
We will probably sail to
Thursday Island via Portland Roads, Margaret Bay and the Escape river, the only
viable remaining anchorages before the notorious Torres