The Convoy Continues

Tue 22 Mar 2011 09:22
Éowyn is underway from
Recife Brazil to Grenada in
position 08:07.161 N 054:44.108W
Somebody must have forgotten
to feed Neptune when we crossed the Equator.
Our convoy had a relatively
quiet night, the only upset when Basia's autopilot switched itself off. Now it
seems to be OK.
Jean & Mike managed to
jury rig their split main yesterday by strapping together the 2 battens either
side of the tear. They took it down last night though as they woud not have been
able to see further damage.
Later today we will do a
rassessment of Basia's fuel to see if the revs and speed can be increased. There
is still a small chance we can get into Port Louis in daylight on the 25th
but we will have to find another half knot from