Diving in Grenada

Wed 30 May 2012 00:01
Éowyn remains at anchor
in Prickly Bay Grenada in position 12:00.025 N
After Sue & Richard left
on Thursday 17 May, we headed back to Prickly Bay and have been at anchor there
ever since.
So far we have made 16 dives
with Scubatech, all excellent, only marred when I flooded my camera on one of
them. It is a rare luxury to have 3 weeks here at the end of our cruise and as
Chris missed the diving in December because of her bad back, she is making up
for lost time.
In between dives we have
gradually caught up with maintenance. Doing one or two jobs every day is not so
much of a chore as flat out work. The main new issue was when the water pump
impellor shredded into the engine heat exchanger and it took 3 hours to
backflush the pieces. Other than that we have simply worked through our "to do"
list of standard maintenance tasks.
At the end of this week we
move back to Le Phare bleu to start our lay-up work. we plan to haul out on the
4th June