Bumpety Bump

Sat 26 Jun 2010 06:48
Éowyn is presently
anchored off Nananu-I-Cake Island Fiji, in position 17:18.6397S 178:13.853E
Navigation marks are few and
far between in Fiji and many of those were destroyed in a cyclone earlier this
year. Also the C-map charts we use are not accurate in this area.
Despite this we were
confidently motorsailing down the centre of the Nananu channel (1/4 mile wide)
this afternoon when the depths dropped rapidly from a steady 20 metres. I put
the engine full astern but as we slowed we hit the hazard - an uncharted coral
head about 3 metres square and 18 metres high. It took about 5 minutes to power
off as we were well and truly stuck! Of course we radioed to Rui not to follow
us in.
After anchoring here I dived
to inspect the damage and thankfuly it appears to be limited to cosmetic dasmage
to the base and side of the keel. We are due to haul out in Vanuatu in 2 weeks
and this will give me the chance to make further